Monday, October 29, 2018


1 comment:

  1. HA HA there was a cheating clause in the contract Sven just for fitted any new money but that was OK as Penelope she had invested well. The husband wanting to save face kept the marriage and the baby. He hired the man who was the father of the first baby to get his wife pregnant again. But what no one knew was the old Penelope had been the one to make it impossible for her husband to have kids, their marriage was a marriage of business but she knew if they would have a kid she would get nothing but as Sven she got all her old stocks and bought more till Sven owned the hole company, or she/he thought but the old Penelope had a secret account and he/she owned 30% so it was a fight for power. Penelope as Sven lost and Sven as Penelope won and that is they way of business
